moaning myrtle中文什么意思

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爱哭鬼麦朵 住在女生厕所中的幽灵,有着直硬的头发和厚重的眼镜,总是喜欢莫名其妙便大哭起来,哭声十分吓人。
桃金娘 (小说人物)
  • moan:    vi.,vt. 呻吟,哼;〔古、诗〕 ...
  • myrtle:    n. 1.【植物;植物学】桃金娘,番 ...
  • moaning:    悲啼
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  1. He gets to the floor above and he is at moaning myrtle ' s bathroom
  2. " i suppose there ' s always moaning myrtle , " he said gloomily , referring to the ghost who haunted the girls ' toilets on the second floor
    “我想爱哭鬼麦朵也去吧。 ”他忧郁地说,指的是经常出没在二楼女生厕所的那个幽灵。
  3. Born in december 1965 in fife , scotland , shirley henderson was cast as moaning myrtle in the harry potter films , so at 35 she was the oldest actor cast to play a hogwarts student
    1965年在苏格兰城市法夫出生,雪莉?亨德森在哈利波特电影中扮演桃金娘, 35岁的她是霍格瓦茨学生扮演者中年纪最大的。
  4. For a moment he could not find malfoy anywhere , and assumed he must be inside the room of requirement again , but then he saw malfoy ' s tiny , labelled dot standing in a boys ' bathroom on the floor below , accompanied , not by crabbe or goyle but by moaning myrtle


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